Contractual Readmission Program (CRP)
CRP Informational Video (please watch before completing the application)
Students who are academically suspended may continue their enrollment without sitting out a semester by choosing to participate in the Contractual Readmission Program (CRP) offered through the Center for Student Success and First Year Experience (CSSFYE). This program was instituted due to significant changes in Federal Financial Aid Regulations and the elimination of the “second Pell Grant” many students used to fund their summer enrollment. The CRP provides an alternative to the summer option and allows students to continue their enrollment without disruption.
The CRP offers additional support to students but requires a higher level of commitment and academic performance in return. This option is available only to students who are academically suspended, not dismissed, and requires an application process. As a general rule, applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the spring/fall semester, but please follow the posted deadline.
CRP Application (LINK)
Please complete the application by August 15, 2024. Submission instructions can be found in the document. If a student’s GPA is below a 1.0, they will be required to have an interview with one of our Academic Consultants, which is noted in the CRP Application (a time for this meeting will be selected after submitting the application). If the student is enrolled in a Summer Term, their application will be held until the end of that term (once grades post).
For questions about this program please email us at
Application Process
Student completes online CRP Application and schedules their interview (if GPA is below a 1.0), submitting it by the posted deadline (if GPA is above a 1.0, students will complete information to be sent back to their Academic Consultant, if needed). By completing the application students acknowledge and agree to the restrictions and higher standards as outlined below.
- Academic Consultants review the application.
- Interview is conducted and any additional information needed from the student will be requested at this time, if a student has a GPA below a 1.0. If above a 1.0, students will be contacted by our office to complete any additional paperwork needed.
- The student is responsible for submitting their own Financial Aid Appeal (if needed) through the Office of Financial Aid (in Martindale-Cole, or by calling 1-800-891-4596).
- If the student is accepted into the program they will be contacted by e-mail with further instructions. Academic Consultants notify the Office of the Registrar that the student has been accepted into the CRP and can be readmitted on probation.
- Once students have been readmitted they will need to add the EDHE 202 course to their schedule.
Program Components
Students who choose to participate in the Contractual Readmission Program can benefit in the following ways:
- Advising – To be adequately prepared, students should meet with their academic advisor prior to meeting with a CRP consultant. After reviewing past performance, CRP consultant will work with each student to review their course load to help ensure that it supports a balanced schedule. Semester course loads will be limited to 16 credit hours with a minimum of 12 credit hours and will be managed via a Contractual Readmission Program hold.
- EDHE 202, Fundamentals of Active Learning – Just like all students returning from academic suspension or dismissal, students participating in the CRP will register for Fundamentals of Active Learning, a 2-credit graded course. This course guides three aspects of students’ academic behaviors, listed below:
- Weekly Homework Assignments – Students will be required to submit weekly homework to their instructor.
- Weekly Meetings – Students will be required to meet weekly for their course. The purpose of these meetings are to monitor students’ academic performance and motivation levels that could negatively impact grades and progress towards graduation.
- Dedicated Study Time – Students are highly encouraged to develop a regular study routine that supports routine classroom preparation.
- Planner Checks – Students will be required to complete weekly planner checks. This will count towards the final grade.
Higher Standards
Students who choose to participate in the Contractual Readmission Program must agree to certain standards of academic performance:
- Higher Semester GPA – Students must earn a semester GPA of 2.2 or above while participating in the program. This higher standard will help students achieve good standing in a more timely manner and matches the requirements held by the Office of Financial Aid. If the student earns between a 2.0 and a 2.19 semester GPA then they will need to repeat the course a second time. If the student earns less than a 2.0 semester GPA they will be placed on academic dismissal, regardless of whether or not they passed EDHE 202.
- Successful Completion of EDHE 202 – Students must enroll in and successfully complete EDHE 202 (a grade of C or higher) as a condition of the CRP.